Privacy Policy
Koli Equestrian Center / Chuck’s Trailriding Adventures LLC is committed to protecting your privacy.
We DO NOT & WILL NOT ever sell or disclose any information that identifies you to a third party.
We may use the information we collect to periodically notify you about new services or special offers we think you’ll find valuable and for internal marketing analysis. That is it!
If you would rather not receive this information, you may send an e-mail to with “unsubscribe” as the subject line. We will promptly remove you from our updates & newsletters.
Again, you can rest assured that Koli Equestrian Center / Chuck’s Trailriding Adventures LLC does not & never will sell, trade, or rent your personal information to others, at any time, for any reason.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the owner directly at Thank you.